How To Tell Which Project To DIY & Which To Leave To A Builders (Professional)
Who is a Builder?
By Builder, we mean someone that renders professional services such as a Painter, Interior Decorator, Home Decor, or Painting Services Professional, Building Maintenance either directly to an individual or on a large scale commercially.
Home Projects You Should Always Hire a Pro For & Home Projects You Should Do Yourself
When your goal is saving money on a large home project one of the easiest ways to do this is by tackling the job yourself. And, while some projects naturally lend themselves to the DIY weekend warrior, other home improvement jobs really are best left to the professionals. In this blog, we’ll look at some of the reasons why hiring a professional could make more sense than tackling the project yourself.
There are plenty of projects that are completely fine for an amateur to tackle and get great results. While it isn’t possible to list all these jobs, we thought we’d provide a few examples of times when it absolutely makes sense to have a go at DIY.
Garden projects
From building some garden planters to creating raised beds, garden projects are often the easiest types of DIY projects for amateurs to tackle and ones where you will get plenty of rewards for your hard labor. A lot of garden DIY tasks only require basic tools enabling most people to have a go themselves.
Home Decorating
With a lower cost barrier some home decorating jobs are easy enough to tackle for amateurs. The most important thing when it comes to decorating is the preparation of the surface that is being decorated. Many a home painting project is ruined by failing to prepare the surface properly prior to beginning the painting job. This is one of the biggest differences between an amateur and a professional job.
Fixtures and fittings
While your home wiring should only be extended or added to by a professional electrician when it comes to updating your light switches or pendants this is a job that an experienced DIYer should be able to tackle. These jobs are often much easier than you imagine and simply involve replacing the old fixture or fitting it with the new unit. Where you are completely changing from one type of fixture to another then it is still a good idea to get a professional to do this as these jobs are often a lot trickier and will need to be completed in line with the latest wiring standards.
Equipment costs
Many home improvement jobs will require specialist equipment in order to get professional results. For example, carpentry or joinery projects will often involve a range of joints to be made such as miter, dovetail, and tongue and groove, having the right equipment will make creating these a breeze. And, while there are plenty of DIY-focused tools on the market to help you with these tasks, the tool costs alone can cost more than paying a professional carpenter to do the job.
Time that it will take
While money is often the biggest factor when it comes to doing it yourself, another important consideration is how long it will take to get the job done. Time is a precious commodity and the reality is that DIY projects often take far longer than we think they will. Even seemingly simple jobs such as painting a room will take an amateur much more time compared with a professional, not to mention the quality of the finish.
The type of job
Some jobs require technical skills, knowledge, and training in order to complete them safely. Electrical work, roofing, and plumbing are all types of projects that if done incorrectly could cause you or your property serious damage.
Another thing to consider when deciding on whether to do a job yourself or hire a professional is the potential resale value of your home. Cutting costs may seem like a good idea but if these are not done in line with building regulations then this could make your house extremely difficult to sell in the future.
Hope this help.